What can we expect when we heal our gut?

First, can we heal our gut? Then what can we expect when we heal our gut?

We can heal our gut by making sure the correct probiotics are present, then we can experience the health benefits of a correctly functioning gut.

In an ideal world, we shouldn’t be selling probiotics because we would have them from the environment. However, we have destroyed our environment and our lifestyle no longer enables us to get the probiotics we need from the environment so we have to supplement them via a capsule.

These are the things we can expect to improve. I will discuss only 14 of them, there are plenty more.

When I say healing the gut I am saying improving the gut probiotics. Ensuring the so-called good bacteria far outway the bad.

Healthy Gut Benefits

  1. Essential nutrients are absorbed. Certain bacteria assist in the more efficient absorption of important nutrients from our diets such as amino acids and proteins.
  2. Increased energy. The improved absorption of nutrients has a knock-on effect of improved energy utilisation by the body. 
  3. Healing quicker. Another side effect of improved absorption is the increase in the raw material that the body uses to repair itself. More amino acids and protein the more available for body repairs and growth.
  4. Improved moods. Increased energy levels allow us to cope better with life. But there is more to it than increased energy. A neurotransmitter called serotonin, also known as the feel-good hormone is produced in the gut. More serotonin is produced when the gut is functioning correctly. Cortisol, a stress hormone, levels are reduced by healthy gut probiotics.
  5. Able to cope with stress is also due to the increased levels of serotonin, energy and reduced levels of cortisol.
  6. Less anxiety and depression can be attributed to energy levels, serotonin and reduced cortisol. If you are running around like the Duracell bunny on serotonin it is impossible to worry or be depressed.
  7. Think better and understanding. Anxiety, stress and depression rob us of our abilities to think clearly. With these gone, we become better thinkers,
  8. Hormone balance is improved by the probiotics, as above with the serotonin and cortisol levels. Women menstrual cycle is also improved by healing the gut.
  9. Clear skin, ie reduction in acne. From personal experience, I know that this works. My son, during normal school I gave him his probiotics every morning and he was acne free. But during the school holidays, I went to work before he woke so he never took them and his acne broke out.
  10. Fewer food sensitivities. This and the rest are all a result of the improved immune system due to the gut bacteria in balance. A very quick overview of the immune system is needed. Basically, it consists of 2 parts. The inflammatory response, created by the body to mop up irritants, such as chemicals, harmful bacteria, viruses etc, Good thing in the beginning but a big problem if it continues. So there is a secondary response, the regulatory response, which stops the continued inflammation. This is controlled by gut probiotics. The lack of regulatory response is the basis of all autoimmune diseases and allergies, such as food sensitivity.
  11. Reduced seasonal allergies. This is due to the regulatory response of gut probiotics.
  12. Reduced inflammation and pain. The anti-inflammatory response of the gut bacteria due to the regulatory response reduces the pain and inflammation. This includes such pain as arthritis etc. 
  13. Stronger immune system. This one does not need too much explanation. One of the big drivers of the immune system is gut probiotics. Your health starts in the gut.
  14. Lower risk of disease comes with a stronger immune system.

This is an overview of the benefits of the healthy gut microbiome, probiotics in the gut. It is barely scratching the surface of this incredible field.

There are huge gaps in our understanding of how probiotics in the gut work. There have been some breakthroughs, such as their immunomodulators. They release neurotransmitters from the gut which have effects on other parts of the body such as the mind.

The gut is a factory for the production of neurotransmitters and hormones, essential for our health and happiness.

Because we do not know how they work is no reason for us not to take them.  

But probiotics have their limitations. Their effects are not immediately apparent and take time to be felt. They have to grow and produce colonies, displace the bad bacteria, then they can make their presence felt.

Long Term Health Strategy 

It is a long term strategy to take for the rest of your life.

To ensure their success do not sabotage it by your lifestyle. Eating badly, ie processed foods, sugar and lazing around on the couch will negate a lot of the good of taking probiotics daily.

Make sure you do the following:

  1. Spend more time outside.
  2. Exercise
  3. Eat healthily
    • no refined sugars
    • no processed foods (difficult that)
    • organic foods

Hopefully the question, what can we achieve when we heal our gut? has been answered. If not please leave a comment and I will try to answer it for you.

Most important take a Noster ProBiotic every day.

4 thoughts on “What can we expect when we heal our gut?”

    1. There are many foods that have probiotics, yoghurt, sauerkraut as examples. I recommend a diverse diet in order to get a wide spectrum of probiotics.
      The problems with these are you have to eat them often and in large quantities to get the same benefits as Noster ProBiotics.
      Compared to a capsule every day you would have to eat 7L of yoghurt daily to get the same number of bacteria.
      I have a yoghurt every morning for breakfast and one for lunch. It is an organic yoghurt from Jersey milk. I have because I enjoy the tase it’s good for me and is locally sourced.
      I still take my Noster ProBiotic daily as well

  1. Is there any other ways to heal our gut, for example by eating certain foods etc,R

    1. There are many foods that have probiotics, yoghurt, sauerkraut as examples. I recommend a diverse diet in order to get a wide spectrum of probiotics.
      The problems with these are you have to eat them often and in large quantities to get the same benefits as Noster ProBiotics.
      Compared to a capsule every day you would have to eat 7L of yoghurt daily to get the same number of bacteria.
      I have a yoghurt every morning for breakfast and one for lunch. It is an organic yoghurt from Jersey milk. I have because I enjoy the tase it’s good for me and is locally sourced.
      I still take my Noster ProBiotic daily as well

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