How Does SARS-CoV-2 Cause COVID-19

How Does SARS-CoV-2 Cause COVID-19 is can be answered now, after the viral genome, genetic information, has been mapped and its life cycle has been studied in animals

The SARA-CoV-2 is a coronavirus similar to the common flu virus and a previous viral outbreak, SARS-CoV. It has the characteristic spikes that give the class of virus its name. These protein spikes attached the receptor, ACE-2, on the cells. The receptors are on the cilia cells and the goblet cells.

SARS-CoV-2 infecting cellsThe preferred cell is the cilia cell. This is a problem when the cell dies the lungs are unable to remove the fluid and trapped debris from the lungs. The lungs fill with fluid and cause a serious health condition called Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). The symptoms are breathing difficulties, cough and a fever.

The immune response

At this stage, the immune system is in full swing. I won’t go into all the details, this is a brief description.

The immune system causes inflammation of the infected tissue, to promote blood flow to the area. The increased blood flow increases the oxygen and the nutrients in the area and removes the waste products. This is a good thing in the beginning. This is the primary response or inflammatory response.

The secondary response is the regulatory response, which stops the inflammation once the virus has been dealt with. The gut bacteria, your probiotics, control this response.

If the Immune System is Overrun

If the response doesn’t happen or is weak then ARDS is the result.

As this gets worse the lungs get further damaged and breathing difficulties arise. The damage can become permanent. It can also result in the death of the patient.

For the vast majority of people, the symptoms are mild. Many don’t even know they have the disease.

Prevention is Better Than Cure

The best way to overcome the disease is to have a healthy immune system.

To keep your immune system strong you need to do the following

  1. Eat a healthy diet of fresh vegetables and protein. Low or no carbohydrate, especially refined sugars
  2. Exercise daily, walk or run. The gym is probably not a great place to go at the moment. Swimming is another beneficial exercise for the elderly and those injured.
  3. If you are going to wash your hands continuously then use soap and water and NOT alcohol-based hand sanitisers.
  4. Take a decent probiotic daily. Vitamins are of little value and you should be getting everything from your diet. Probiotics cannot be obtained from your diet.

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